Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Hello! These are some calendars that I made as a Christmas gift for my mother in law's friends.
I decided to make them different from each other, according to personal characteristics that she told me about each friend.
Some of the calendars were shabby, modern, floral. Also, I changed the font, matching the calendar style.
Each calendar had the person's name on the back, with some pockets with tags that could be used for notes, birthdays,messages,...
It was a challenge to designed these calendars, I spent almost a month trying out lots of papers and ways to make them stay exactly like you see bellow.
I wanted something easy to use, fun and cute.
The masculine calendars had something added: they were magnetic, so the person could use the table calendar or just put the part with the months in another metalic surface!
If you need a gift for your friends, this is a good choice, they are unique!
Let me know as soon as possible how many you need and we can personilize them for you.

Shabby Calendar
Shabby Calendar
Shabby Calendar
Super Modern Calendar
Floral Calendar
Green Floral Calendar
Masculine Calendar
Masculine Calendar
Masculine Calendar

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