Hello Girls! I am going to teach you how to decor a delicious sweet bread called "panetone" using fondant!!! This class is going to be tomorrow, at 2 pm, at Creare Store!
Hope you like it!!!
Ola meninas! Amanha teremos uma aula de decoracao de panetone com pasta americana!!!
Esta bem fofinho! A aula sera amanha, as 14:00 hrs, na Creare!
Espero que gostem!!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas Cupcakes
Hello Girls! Here are the cupcakes that you made, look how PRETTY! I am so proud of my "students"!
Hope you liked and make more and more!
ThAnK yOu!
Ola meninas! Aqui estao os cupcakes que voces fizeram, estao MARAVILHOSOS! Estou muito orgulhosa de voces!
Espero que tenham gostado e facam muitos e muitos mais!
Tenho certeza que farao muito sucesso!

Make and Take
Ola meninas! Amanha, quarta feira, sera o aniversario da Creare!
Estao todas convidadas a participar do make and take: teremos um projeto de scrap bem lindo!
Alem dessa aula oferecida Creare, a loja tera promocoes imperdiveis!
Esperamos voces!
Estao todas convidadas a participar do make and take: teremos um projeto de scrap bem lindo!
Alem dessa aula oferecida Creare, a loja tera promocoes imperdiveis!
Esperamos voces!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
December Classes
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Thank You!
Hello Girls, today we had another cupcake decor class! I will be posting the pictures of all for you soon!Super Cute! Thanks, Kisses!
Ola meninas, hoje tivemos mais uma turma de decoracao de cupcakes! Vou postar as fotos de como ficaram! Super fofos! Obrigada, Beijos!
Ola meninas, hoje tivemos mais uma turma de decoracao de cupcakes! Vou postar as fotos de como ficaram! Super fofos! Obrigada, Beijos!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Cupcake Classes
Hello Girls! We are happy to have more people interested in the cupcake decoration class that we are going to have another one on Friday, December 3rd , at 2 pm!!!! Thank you! See you soon! Kisses
Ola meninas! Estamos super felizes pela procura do curso de decoracao de cupcakes que faremos outra turma na sexta feira, dia 3 de dezembro, as 14:00 hrs!
Caso tenha interesse, entre em contato comigo ou com a Fernanda da Creare!
Obrigada! Ate la! Beijos
Ola meninas! Estamos super felizes pela procura do curso de decoracao de cupcakes que faremos outra turma na sexta feira, dia 3 de dezembro, as 14:00 hrs!
Caso tenha interesse, entre em contato comigo ou com a Fernanda da Creare!
Obrigada! Ate la! Beijos
Monday, November 22, 2010
Cupcake na Creare
Ola Pessoal, estamos abrindo outra turma, colocarei os novos horarios para que possam acompanhar, ou se preferirem, entrem em contato,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Scrap by Andriette: Novembro na Creare
Scrap by Andriette: Novembro na Creare: "Olá!! Conforme eu tinha prometido... aqui está o calendário de Novembro da Creare. Agora contamos com mais um super reforço: A Cibele acabou..."
Monday, November 15, 2010
News!!! Novidades!!!
Hello everyone, I am so happy to have you all giving me support and following my blog that I want you to be the first one to know the latest new: I am going to teach classes at Creare, in Curitiba-Pr! Creare is a wonderful scrapbooking store that I found when I was waitting for my scrap stuff...I couldn't wait and I had to go there to check it out! As soon as I walked in, I felt so good! Everyone was really kind and welcoming, there was no way to resist. For now on, I will start to post in English and in Portuguese (will continue to have the google translator on the top of the page). I want to invite you to come to our fist class on thursday, november 18th, at 1:30 pm. The second class will be probably next tuesday, at night. (I will confirm and post it).We are going to be making christmas cupcakes and a super cute scrap wood box! Go to Creare's home page and check the amazing projects and classes they have! www.crearescrap.com.br
Hope to see you there, if you can! Kisses and miss you, Belle
Ola pessoal, estou tao feliz por todas voces me apoiarem e visitarem meu blog, que quero compartilhar uma novidade muito legal com voces: vou comecar a dar aulas da Creare, em Curitiba-Pr! Creare e uma loja de scrapbooking maravilhosa que encontrei enquanto esperava minhas "coisinhas" chegarem...Nao pude esperar, tive que ir ate la e conhecer! Que delicia descobrir tantos papeis, carimbos, fitas,...pertinho de mim! Sem contar que todas as meninas foram super queridas, fui muito bem recebida. Entao...de agora em diante, vou escrever em ingles e portugues (manterei a ferramenta de traducao no canto superior da pagina). Quero convida-las para participar da primeira aula, nessa quinta feira, dia 18 de novembro, as 13:30 da tarde.A segunda aula sera na proxima terca feira, a noite (confirmo para voces). Vamos decorar cupcakes (aqueles bolinhos fofos), com motivos natalinos e faremos uma caixinha de madeira decorada para acomoda-los. Veja os projetos lindos e aulas que a Creare oferece!
Espero te ver la! Beijos, Cibele
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Antique Roses
This delicate and antique box is a gift, you can put chocolate inside, a note, a ring.
You will se a little card bellow that matches the box.
Another option is to use the "little card" to put tea bags inside.
Making 5 tea bags covered with that is a perfect quantity to put
inside the box and give to your friend, mom, sister.
Card or Tea bag cover
Stay tunned for more antique projects.
Beach Scrap Page
The idea of this class was to teach Poli and Tania (in one of our intensive classes) how to compose a scrapbooking page using geometric pieces of paper. Also, I showed them how to sand the paper and sew by hand.
This is a sketch of the page. The pieces of paper were not glued here, I just tryed different positions until I find one that was harmonic.
Pay attention to the position of the sand, sea, sun, fishes, clouds.
Little fishes with popped eyes
Tania and Poli used different sewing techniques
Pretending that there was a fisherman!
Hope you feel inspired!
mOre eXpLOsiOn BoXeS FoR yOu
These explosion boxes bellow were made by my friends
Si, Tania, Ju, Paulinha, Dani, Re, Cris, Poli
sUpEr CuTe gIrLs!!!
Before the class I organized some kits with paper, eyelets, ribbons, brads, butons,...to make it easy to choose. I though them how to make it, but they had a free time to embelished the way they wanted, matching their personality or their friend's personality .(the person that received the explosion box as a gift)
Look how creative they are!
Thank you Jenn for teaching me how to make the explosion box!
You can check my first one in her blog:
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Hello! These are some calendars that I made as a Christmas gift for my mother in law's friends.
I decided to make them different from each other, according to personal characteristics that she told me about each friend.
Some of the calendars were shabby, modern, floral. Also, I changed the font, matching the calendar style.
Each calendar had the person's name on the back, with some pockets with tags that could be used for notes, birthdays,messages,...
It was a challenge to designed these calendars, I spent almost a month trying out lots of papers and ways to make them stay exactly like you see bellow.
I wanted something easy to use, fun and cute.
The masculine calendars had something added: they were magnetic, so the person could use the table calendar or just put the part with the months in another metalic surface!
If you need a gift for your friends, this is a good choice, they are unique!
Let me know as soon as possible how many you need and we can personilize them for you.
Shabby Calendar
Shabby Calendar
Shabby Calendar
Super Modern Calendar
Floral Calendar
Green Floral Calendar
Masculine Calendar
Masculine Calendar
Masculine Calendar
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